Sunday 30 June 2013

Harvest and birthday

It's the last day of June and we've had our allotment for almost 3 months now. The plot is looking very green and lovely but that's no surprise, considering the weather. Yesterday was a gloriously hot day but I was unable to pop up so I went today instead. Despite the fact that there was a mist and everything looked a bit gloomy, our plot certainly made me smile.

There were loads of bright red strawberries just waiting to be picked. A couple of them had gone mushy so we definitely need to pick them as soon as they are ripe.

The onions are growing so quickly that it's almost difficult to keep up. I can't wait until they're ready to pick.
The courgettes are coming on nicely as well. Compared to other plots these do look a bit feeble, but considering that the first lot was eaten by pigeons (?) these have had a late start. 

Look at the broccoli! The netting has so done the trick. Under cover is also the chard:

I love the colourful stems. It's also a really nice vegetable to fry with crushed garlic in a bit of oil.

The lettuce is ready to be picked and I picked a good amount for a salad tonight and some for lunch tomorrow. It tastes delicious and little Miss M. couldn't stop munching.

This is what I brought home with me:

I intend to make some rhubarb juice from here tonight. Even if I've picked rhubarb before, this is my first harvest. It really makes all the work we've put in worth while.

Mrs.G. had a day off today as it's her birthday - hip hip hooray! In true allotment style I gave her a little bag to put her things in.

Have a good week!

Mrs. M.

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