Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Potatoes are in

Easter break. How lovely is that? Fabulously lovely actually. Time to relax and do what you want to do for most of the time. I do have some work in my school bag but I've put the bag out of sight for now. 

Commitments have not allowed me to go up to the allotment until today. It was pouring down all day yesterday so we weren't sure whether we'd be able to plant our potatoes today. Was it going to be too wet? Well, if you don't try you won't know. Mrs. G. and I met up at 10 o'clock in the windy but sunny morning. Boy was it nippy! We had already dug over two beds but soon realised that we needed another bed as we had three types of potatoes. Hey ho, let's dig. The soil was wet but workable so it didn't take us very long to weed and dig. Soon enough we had three beds with potatoes buried in three rows per bed. 

Romano late potatoes ready to be covered up.

Early Foremost to the right and late King Edwards to the left.
It didn't take very long at all but instead of heading home (Mrs. G. is off to the airport this afternoon and I'm having visitors arriving tomorrow) we started weeding the onion/garlic bed. It's amazing how addictive weeding can be. It helps that it looks so much nicer afterwards. 

Onions are great to grow as we both use that a lot in cooking. These are early ones and should be ready to harvest in the early part of the summer. We'll also plant some that will be ready by the autumn. You can't have too many onions!

After only a couple of hours the allotment wasn't looking too bad. I doubt whether the plot police will have a go at us. 

Neither of us will be able to do any more work this week but roll on next week - time to sort the rest out!

Mrs. M.

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