Sunday, 30 March 2014

Back on track

Gorgeous day yesterday but no time to visit the allotment. I kept my fingers crossed for continued good weather today and I wasn't disappointed. Mrs. G. and I met up at the unusually early hour of 10 o'clock, ready to tackle some digging. I will easily confess that the thought of spending hours digging had filled me with dread but I really enjoyed today's efforts.

It was an unusual day in more ways than one. We actually spent most of the time working, not drinking coffee whilst chatting. As neither of us had brought any coffee and all the allotments around us are looking very nice and tidy, we probably felt that we had no time to lose. I'm saying probably as we didn't talk about it at all. We just got on with it.

We never overdo things and today was no exception. We dug over and weeded two beds, ready for potato planting next week. 

We put some of the chicken manure into the soil, hoping that it'll make the spuds grow nice and big.  There's still a fair bit of manure left in the corner of the plot. 

The smell is still very strong!

It was time to harvest the remaining parsnips and some of the leek, which is always a pleasure. I always plan my meals for the week ahead and haven't planned anything where I could use any of it. However, it will no doubt last until next weekend. Our nice neighbour Bob mentioned while passing by that the rhubarb is ready to start picking so there will be a rhubarb crumble in both Mrs. G's and Mrs. M's household this afternoon!

Going up to the allotment early in the day has meant that I've now got the rest of the afternoon to potter about. If by pottering I mean washing and cleaning the house.... Oh and of course, making and eating a rhubarb crumble!

Mrs. M.

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