Thursday, 20 February 2014

Time away

Ahh, half term and some time for me! Last year, my friend Mrs. H. and I met up in London to see Les Mis. We had such a good time so we instantly decided that in 2014 we would do the same but also stay the night. Half term is here and I've just spent 2 days with my dear friend in the capital. 

We had decided to meet up outside The National Gallery in the morning. I decided to walk there from Victoria and  managed to arrive at Buckingham Palace just in time for the changing of the guards. It was packed with people! I didn't stay to watch as I was already a bit late but I saw these handsome horses while I was walking down The Mall. 

There's something about the sound of hooves that make you stop and watch.

We went straight for one of the cafes in the gallery before seeing the Van Gogh exhibition of 2(!) paintings. We wandered around the impressionist galleries and enjoyed all the paintings before heading out, only to realise that it had been raining while we were inside. As Mrs. H. lives at the other end of the country we don't see each other very often. This means that a lot of coffee stops and chatting is a frequent occurrence when we do meet up. 

We had found a nice hotel near Victoria and headed back there to drop off our bags before heading out again.

A very decent hotel though as it was on a main road it was very noisy throughout the night and neither of us slept much.
The musical this year was  Billy Elliot and we were not disappointed.

The show was better than I had expected, having seen the film several times. The acting was very good and I was impressed by the accents, especially after reading in the programme that the boy who played Billy was American. His singing might not have been brilliant but overall I think he was fab. The boy who played Michael was excellent! The feeling of the whole mining situation came across as extremely angry - very powerful!

After a bad night's sleep we got ready to wander through London. It was a glorious morning so we decided to walk up to Marble Arch and then stroll down Oxford Street. It took us an hour to walk there, fairly briskly. Time for another coffee... This time in Selfridge's. After some more window shopping and drooling we ended up in the cafe at Liberty's and had some cream tea. 

The haberdashery at Liberty's made me itch to get my hands on practically everything. I bought some wrapping paper for £4.95 instead, hoping to find a frame for it. 

Hours later and strolls down Carnaby Street, around Covent Garden and Leicester Square, we said goodbye and headed to our respective train stations. My legs and feet were aching and it was heaven to sit down on the train once it arrived (late). Having had a lovely two days away it was nice to come home to a happy family. I should go away on my own more often...

From one day in 2013 to two days in 2014. What should we do next year? A week? In New York? Well, one can always dream.

Mrs. M.


  1. Jag gissar att man törs skriva sin kommentar på svenska.

    Tack så väldigt mycket för din utförliga och underhållande kommentar angående höns på min blogg tidigare i veckan! Fint att få höra både positiva och negativa sidor. Vi får se hur jag gör...

    Billy Elliot-musikalen hade jag gärna sett. Älskade filmen när den kom och har sett om den flera gånger. Kanske kan det bli av någon gång i framtiden.

    Ha en skön söndag!

  2. Jovisst går det bra med svenska :).

    Mina erfarenheter av höns är som sagt både positiva och mindre positiva om man säger så. Hade det inte varit för oredan de ställer till med så hade mina åsikter varit odelat positiva. Det är ganska kul att inse varifrån kommentarer som "hönshjärna" osv. kommer ifrån. Hönor är onekligen korkade!

    Jag älskade också Billy Elliotfilmen när den kom ut och även om musikalen inte var mitt första val så är jag verkligen glad att ha sett den och rekommenderar den varmt.

    Ha en bra vecka.

