Sunday, 2 February 2014

It's too wet!

Will this rain ever stop? Well it did for most of today actually so Mr. M and I went to the allotment with a bucket full of chicken you know what. It was muddy and soaking wet up there. We cut off the remaining brussels sprouts and also took some tiny red cabbage for the chickens. They're not fussy with what they eat. They love picking away at the brussels sprouts stalks. There were some sprouts of decent size so they ended up on the dinner table later on. 

I'm glad the parsnip is growing leaves as it would be difficult to find where they are otherwise. We really ought to harvest them soon but it's been so wet and horrible that I don't fancy digging much. 

Some of the leek is looking nice and thick whereas others look rather thin.

I'm so glad that my favourite is showing signs of re-emerging. I can't wait to make more rhubarb and vanilla jam. 

On the way home it started to rain. It was a bit weird as the sun was shining and they sky was fairly blue. All of a sudden we saw this:

 The rainbow was really clear and bright, which is not very obvious from this photo. It was stunning. 

Apart from this little trip out, I've spent most of the day making a music bag for Little Miss M. Her flute teacher has asked her to keep all her score sheets and books in one bag so I offered to make her one. I used some fabric I bought in IKEA a while ago. It was really fun to make and the owner is very proud and can't wait for her next lesson. 

A pocket for pencils, keys or similar.

From the back.
It's now time to meet Mr. and Mrs. G. for a pub quiz gathering. We've yet to get anywhere near the winning team!

Mrs. M.

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