Saturday, 4 January 2014

End of hols

The penultimate day of the holidays is grey and windy. When I popped up to the local farm shop this morning it was ever so dark and the rain started pouring just as I made my way back to the car. Needless to say I'm staying put for the rest of the day. 

These past two weeks have been very relaxing. I've managed to read the 5 books for the Library Service Book Competition that I take part in with some of the children at my school.

They're all good books and I can't wait to share them with the children. Knowing that we get to meet 2 of the authors is also quite exciting. However, it's always nice to be able to get back to reading adult books and I've just started reading this book

Where'd You Go, Bernadette


Image from Amazon.

 I haven't got very far but it seems to be rather funny and enjoyable. Something to look forward to at bedtime!

 I've also had time to do a bit of knitting (my cardigan is almost finished, just have to finish the second sleeve), crocheting, sewing and Little Miss M. and I've made some buttons, fridge magnets and earrings using shrink plastic - great fun. My sister will receive some of the above mentioned things for her birthday next week so I'd better not show any pictures in case she's reading this.

The new year started off with Little Miss M's birthday and we celebrated the day being very tired after a brilliant party the night before. We watched films and ate homemade cake throughout the day.

 Sponge cake with two layers of custard and whipped cream mixed with cut up strawberries, all to the birthday girl's wishes. Yum!

Our Christmas tree has been fabulous this year and has hardly dropped any needles. I feel very reluctant to get rid of it so I've put off taking down any decorations at all in the house. However, tomorrow will be the day when the house will be stripped. I always find it a bit sad when the decorations are removed and it takes me a few days to get used to how bare the house looks without the tree, the gnomes and all the things red. 

Never mind, it's been a good Christmas holiday and after tomorrow's wedding anniversary (we really didn't think the date through) we'll all be glad to get back to a normal routine. I for one will have to think about what I eat as all my clothes are way too tight!

Mrs. M.

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